2014 Convertible Notes Escrow Account

Example Definitions of "2014 Convertible Notes Escrow Account"
2014 Convertible Notes Escrow Account. The escrow account to be established by the Parent with any lender under the Parent Credit Agreement whom the Parent elects in its sole discretion from time to time. The terms of the escrow arrangements shall provide that the Parent may deposit up to $150,000,000 in the 2014 Convertible Notes Escrow Account and may withdraw amounts from the 2014 Convertible Notes Escrow Account solely to pay, redeem or purchase the 2014 Convertible Notes and pay related interest and premiums (it being... understood and agreed that the Parent may transfer all or any portion of such deposit from an escrow account with one such lender to an escrow account with another such lender at any time). View More
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