Account Debtor

Example Definitions of "Account Debtor"
Account Debtor. Any Person who is or may become obligated to a Grantor under, with respect to or on account of an Account
Account Debtor. Any Person who is or may become obligated to a Grantor under, with respect to or on account of an Account or any Supporting Obligation related thereto
Account Debtor. Any Person Shall mean any person who is or who may become obligated to a Grantor under, with respect to or on account of an Account Account.
Account Debtor. Any Person person who is or may become obligated to a any Grantor under, with respect to or on account of an Account
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Account Debtor. Means an account debtor (as that term is defined in the Code)
Account Debtor. Means an An account debtor (as that term is defined in the Code)
Account Debtor. Means an An account debtor (as that term is defined in the Code)
Account Debtor. Means an An account debtor (as that term is defined in the Code)
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Account Debtor. Any Person who may become obligated to any Grantor under, with respect to, or on account of, an Account, chattel paper, or General Intangibles (including a payment intangible)
Account Debtor. Any Person who may become obligated to any Grantor the Borrower under, with respect to, or on account of, an Account, chattel paper, Chattel Paper or General Intangibles (including a payment intangible) intangible).
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Account Debtor. Account Debtor means any person or entity obligated for payment of an Account.
Account Debtor. Account Debtor means any Any person or entity obligated for payment of an Account.
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Account Debtor. Each of the foregoing defined terms shall include all of such items now owned or existing, or hereafter arising or acquired by Grantor.
Account Debtor. Each of the foregoing defined terms shall Shall include all of such items now owned or existing, or hereafter arising or acquired by Grantor.
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Account Debtor. Means an account debtor, as that term is defined in the U.C.C., or any other Person obligated to pay all or any part of an Account in any manner and includes (without limitation) any guarantor thereof or other accommodation party therefor.
Account Debtor. Means an account debtor, as that term is defined in the U.C.C., or any other Any Person obligated to pay all or any part of an any Account in any manner and includes (without limitation) any guarantor thereof or other accommodation party therefor.
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Account Debtor. The Person obligated on an Account.
Account Debtor. The Means the Person obligated on an Account.
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Account Debtor. Shall have the meaning set forth in the Pennsylvania Uniform Commercial Code and shall include any person liable on any Receivable.
Account Debtor. As defined in the Code and shall include, without limitation, any person liable on any Financed Receivable, such as, a guarantor of the Financed Receivable and any issuer of a letter of credit or banker's acceptance.
Account Debtor. A Person who is obligated under an Account or any Chattel Paper, Document, Instrument, General Intangible or Supporting Obligation in respect thereof or relating thereto
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