Active Status

Example Definitions of "Active Status"
Active Status. (a) "ACTIVE STATUS" shall mean for (i) Partners, the absence of any interruption or termination of service as a Partner, and (ii) for Consultants, the absence of any interruption, expiration, or termination of such Person's consulting or advisory relationship with the Company or any Subsidiary or the occurrence of any termination event as set forth in such person's Award Agreement. Active Status shall not be considered interrupted for a (A) Partner in the case of sick leave, maternity leave,... infant care leave, medical emergency leave, military leave, or any other leave of absence properly taken in accordance with the policies of the Company or any applicable Subsidiary as may be in effect from time to time, and (B) Consultant, in the case of any temporary interruption in such person's availability to provide services to the Company or any Subsidiary which has been granted in writing by an authorized officer of the Company. View More
Active Status. For Partners, the absence of any interruption or termination of service as a Partner. Active Status shall not be considered interrupted for a Partner in the case of sick leave, maternity leave, infant care leave, medical emergency leave, military leave, or any other leave of absence properly taken in accordance with the policies of the Company or any applicable Subsidiary as may be in effect from time to time. Whenever a mandatory severance period applies under applicable law with respect to a... termination of service as a Partner, Active Status shall be considered terminated upon such Partner's receipt of notice of termination in whatever form prescribed by applicable law. View More
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