Actuarial Equivalent

Example Definitions of "Actuarial Equivalent"
Actuarial Equivalent. Shall be computed on the basis of the actuarial assumptions specified in the NUSCO Retirement Plan.
Actuarial Equivalent. Means, with respect to a Plan Benefit, or any portion thereof, an amount of equivalent value determined on such actuarial basis as the Committee, in its sole discretion, shall determine is reasonable and appropriate and which shall be applied by the Committee in a uniform and consistent manner.
Actuarial Equivalent. Actuarial Equivalent or Actuarially Equivalent means a form of benefit payment having an equivalent value.
Actuarial Equivalent. An amount having equal value when computed on the basis of a 6% interest rate compounded annually and the 1983 Group Annuity Mortality Table (blended 50% male/50% female)
Actuarial Equivalent. Means an amount calculated as specified under Section 2, Step 2, below using the applicable mortality and interest rate specified in Section 417(e) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). The interest rate will be based on the average 30-year U.S. Treasury Note rate of interest (or its successor, as designated by Regulations promulgated by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service) for the month prior to any calculation involving the Actuarial Equivalent.
Actuarial Equivalent. A benefit of equal value to the benefit which otherwise would have been provided, determined on the basis of the actuarial assumptions and methods then in use under the Retirement Plan.
Actuarial Equivalent. An amount that is the actuarial equivalent of a value using the actuarial assumptions specified for such purpose under the Retirement Plan.
Actuarial Equivalent. An amount equal to the amount expected to be received under Section 4a of Part II, based on the following actuarial assumptions: Interest - 6.5% or such other rate as the Board may from time to time prescribe by resolution Mortality - Joint Mortality Group Annuity Table 1983
Actuarial Equivalent. An amount is the Actuarial Equivalent of any other amount if the actuarial reserve required to provide the same is equal to the actuarial reserve required to provide such other amount. The parties acknowledge that, in selecting appropriate factors to determine actuarial equivalence, the immediate taxability of any amounts paid hereunder as well as the demographics of the covered group must be taken into account; otherwise, Key Employee will not receive the same value over time under this... Agreement as he or she would have had had the Restrictions not applied and all amounts payable to Key Employee been paid from a qualified plan. Therefore, it is not appropriate to use an interest rate benchmark or mortality table that does not sufficiently consider these factors. Unlike distributions from qualified plans, which can be tax deferred, amounts paid hereunder are taxable in the year paid; therefore the interest rate should reflect that immediate taxation. An accepted way of recognizing this distinction is to use a post tax interest benchmark. With respect to mortality, the parties acknowledge that the participants in the Plans consist solely of white collar employees and are relatively small in number. In such a case, it is appropriate to use a mortality table which reflects this demographic. Therefore, the factors to use to determine actuarially equivalence under this Agreement shall be: (a) interest: the rate equal to the then current effective yield of the Merrill Lynch AAA Rated Municipal Revenue Bond Index, Merrill Lynch Ticker: URA1 (or the yield of a similar index determined by the Committee), determined as of the date of retirement, termination of employment, or death, as the case may be; provided, however, that if such date falls on a day when the U.S. fixed income markets are closed or is a day on which the index is being rebalanced, determined on the next following business day, in each case with such rate reduced for any applicable state taxes; (b) mortality: the unisex mortality rate using the RP-2000 Mortality Table, with white collar adjustment applied and reflecting mortality improvements using Scale AA projected to the time the Actuarial Equivalent is being determined; and (c) joint and survivor benefit factor: if a benefit is payable in the form of a joint and 50% survivor annuity, use actual marital status and age of Spouse; provided, for this purpose, a Domestic Partner shall be treated as a Spouse. Other factors or assumptions, if any, necessary to determine the Actuarial Equivalent of an amount shall be determined by the Committee in its sole discretion. View More
Actuarial Equivalent. Means, with respect to a Plan Benefit, or any portion thereof, an amount of equivalent value determined on such actuarial basis as the Committee, in its sole discretion, shall determine is reasonable and appropriate and which shall be applied by the Committee in a uniform and consistent manner; provided, however, that the Committee shall apply such factors and assumptions as are necessary to ensure that the Optional Forms described in Section 6.C are actuarially equivalent life annuities for... purposes of Code Section 409A and Treas. Reg. ยง 1.409A-2(b)(2)(ii) (or any successor provision). View More
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