Adjustable Interest Rate

Example Definitions of "Adjustable Interest Rate"
Adjustable Interest Rate. The variable annual interest rate calculated for each Interest Adjustment Period so as to equal the Index Rate for such Interest Adjustment Period (truncated at the fifth (5th) decimal place if necessary) plus the Margin
Adjustable Interest Rate. The variable annual interest rate calculated for each Interest Adjustment Period so as to equal the Index Rate for such Interest Adjustment Period (truncated at the fifth (5th) 5th decimal place if necessary) plus the Margin Margin. However, in no event will the Adjustable Interest Rate exceed the Capped Interest Rate.
Adjustable Interest Rate. The variable annual interest rate calculated for each Interest Adjustment Period so as to equal the Index Rate for such Interest Adjustment Period (truncated at the fifth (5th) 5th decimal place if necessary) plus the Margin Margin. However, in no event will the Adjustable Interest Rate exceed the Capped Interest Rate.
Adjustable Interest Rate. The variable annual interest rate calculated for each Interest Adjustment Period so as to equal the Index Rate for such Interest Adjustment Period (truncated at the fifth (5th) 5th decimal place if necessary) plus the Margin Margin. However, in no event will the Adjustable Interest Rate exceed the Capped Interest Rate.
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