Adjusted EPS Percentile

Example Definitions of "Adjusted EPS Percentile"
Adjusted EPS Percentile. The percentile rank of the Company's growth in Adjusted EPS from the beginning through the end of a specified measurement period (generally the Performance Period) relative to the growth in Adjusted EPS for the same period for each of the companies in the S&P 500 Index (the "Index") at the beginning and throughout such measurement period; provided, however, that for purposes of measuring the Adjusted EPS Percentile, (i) the Index shall be deemed to include companies that were removed from the... S&P 500 Index during the measurement period but that continued during the entire measurement period to have their shares listed on at least one of the NYSE, NASDAQ, American Stock Exchange, Boston Stock Exchange, Chicago Stock Exchange, National Stock Exchange (formerly Cincinnati Stock Exchange), NYSE Arca (formerly known as the Pacific Stock Exchange) or Philadelphia Stock Exchange; and (ii) Time Warner Cable Inc. shall not be considered to be part of the Index for measurement purposes even if it is included in the S&P 500 Index during some or all of the measurement period. View More
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