Agricultural Field Product Net Sales

Example Definitions of "Agricultural Field Product Net Sales"
Agricultural Field Product Net Sales. The gross invoice price of Agricultural Field Products sold by Alnylam, its Affiliates and sublicensees (but with respect to Alnylam does not include Naked Sublicensees) to a Third Party; provided, that such Third Party is an end-user of such Licensed Product or a Third Party which purchases Agricultural Field Product(s) (whether in packaged form or bulk form) from Alnylam, its Affiliate or sublicensee and resells such Agricultural Field Product(s) to third parties in a manner consistent with... normal trade practices in the Agricultural Field; less (b) the following items: (i) deductions actually incurred, allowed, paid, accrued or specifically allocated in financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, in preparing and utilizing distribution channels for an Agricultural Field Product (including product returns, customer rebates, dealer incentives, volume discounts, seed service fees, cash discounts (pre-pay discounts), (ii) local competitive response, transportation or cargo insurance, taxes, duties or other governmental tariffs (other than income taxes), (iii) government-mandated rebates, and (iv) a reasonable reserve for bad debts, (and some of which items, by way of example, are currently identified as "crop loss and replant" and "seed action pack") in all cases allocated to such Agricultural Field Products in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and methodologies established by Alnylam, its Affiliates or sublicensee, as the case may be, and that are consistently applied by such party across all of such party's products in the Agricultural Field; provided, that such methodologies may be amended from time to time, upon notice to Isis to reflect general changes to such party's methodologies, which changes are consistently applied by such selling party across of such party's products in the Agricultural Field and which changes are made in the ordinary course of such party's business View More
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