Amendment relating to Schedules

Example Definitions of "Amendment relating to Schedules"
Amendment relating to Schedules. Schedule 1.01(c) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended as follows: (a) With respect to clause (a) thereof, by adding ", Mexico" immediately following the reference therein to "United States". (b) With respect to clause (d) thereof, by (i) deleting the parenthetical "(including Mexico)," (ii) deleting each other reference therein to "Mexico" and (iii) deleting "25%" and inserting in lieu thereof "30%". (c) With respect to clause (f) thereof: (i) by... adding "in Mexico or" immediately following the reference to "chief executive offices are" in the third line thereof. 2 (ii) by amending and restating the first proviso therein to read in its entirety as follows: "provided that the aggregate amount includible in the Asset Base of Net Book Value of Eligible Engines and Eligible Equipment subject to Eligible Leases to Lessees domiciled or whose chief executive offices are located in (A) any one of the following countries shall not exceed 20% of the Asset Base: (I) the People's Republic of China or (II) Brazil and (B) any one of the following countries shall not exceed 15% of the Asset Base: (I) Mexico, (II) Republic of India or (III) South Korea.". View More
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