Applicable Commitment Fee Margin

Example Definitions of "Applicable Commitment Fee Margin"
Applicable Commitment Fee Margin. Means: (a) from time to time prior to April 1, 2013, the following percentages per annum, based upon the Debt Rating as set forth below: Pricing Level Debt Rating Applicable Commitment Fee Margin 1 ≥ A- from S&P/ A3 from Moody's 0.125% 2 BBB+ from S&P/ Baa1 from Moody's 0.175% 3 BBB from S&P/ Baa2 from Moody's 0.20% 4 BBB- from S&P/Baa3 from Moody's 0.25% 5 Found in TALEN ENERGY SUPPLY, LLC contract
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