Applicable Letter of Credit Margin

Example Definitions of "Applicable Letter of Credit Margin"
Applicable Letter of Credit Margin. From time to time, the following percentages per annum, based upon the Debt Rating as set forth below: (a) from time to time prior to April 1, 2013, the following percentages per annum, based upon the Debt Rating as set forth below: Pricing Level Debt Rating Applicable Letter of Credit Margin 1 ≥ A- from S&P/ A3 from Moody's 1.10% 2 BBB+ from S&P/ Baa1 from Moody's 1.35% 3 BBB from S&P/ Baa2 from Moody's 1.60% 4 BBB- from S&P/Baa3 from Moody's 1.725% 5 Found in TALEN ENERGY SUPPLY, LLC contract
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