Applicable Regulations

Example Definitions of "Applicable Regulations"
Applicable Regulations. All applicable statutes, regulations, rules, ordinances, codes, licenses, permits, orders and approvals of each Governmental Authority having jurisdiction over the Premises, including, without limitation, all health, building, fire, safety and other codes, ordinances and requirements, all applicable standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and the ADA and all policies or rules of common law, in each case, as amended, and any judicial or administrative interpretation thereof,... including any judicial order, consent, decree or judgment applicable to any of the Borrower Parties View More
Applicable Regulations. All statutes, laws and regulations promulgated by any US or foreign governmental agency and applicable to the manufacture, approval and notice for sale, quality control, testing, cleaning, sterilization, packaging, labeling, record retention, storage, handling, transport, and reporting of the Products in effect at a particular time during the Term
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