Approved Stock Plan

Example Definitions of "Approved Stock Plan"
Approved Stock Plan. Any employee benefit plan which has been approved by the board of directors of the Company prior to or subsequent to the date hereof pursuant to which shares of Common Stock and standard options to purchase Common Stock may be issued to any employee, officer or director for services provided to the Company in their capacity as such.
Approved Stock Plan. Any employee benefit plan which (which has been approved by the board of directors of the Company prior to or subsequent to the date hereof hereof) pursuant to which shares of Common Stock and Stock, standard options to purchase Common Stock or other equity awards may be issued to any employee, officer or director for services provided to the Company in their capacity as such. such
Approved Stock Plan. Any employee Means any benefit plan which has been approved by the board of directors of the Company prior to or subsequent to the date hereof pursuant to which shares of Common Stock and standard Stock, options to purchase Common Stock and other equity incentive awards may be issued to any employee, officer officer, director, consultant or director endorser for services provided to the Company in their capacity as such.
Approved Stock Plan. Any employee benefit plan which has been approved by the board of directors of the Company prior to or subsequent to the date hereof pursuant to which shares of Common Stock and standard Stock, options to purchase Common Stock and other equity incentive awards may be issued to any employee, officer officer, director, consultant or director endorser for services provided to the Company in their capacity as such.
View Variations (3)
Approved Stock Plan. Any employee benefit plan which has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, pursuant to which the Company's securities may be issued to any employee, consultant, officer or director for services provided to the Company
Approved Stock Plan. Any employee benefit plan which has been or hereafter is approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, pursuant to which the Company's securities may be issued to any employee, consultant, officer or director for services provided to the Company
Approved Stock Plan. Any employee benefit plan which has been or hereafter is approved by the Board board of Directors directors of the Company, pursuant to which the Company's securities may be issued to any employee, consultant, officer or director for services provided to the Company Company.
Approved Stock Plan. Any employee benefit plan which has been or hereafter is approved by the Board board of Directors directors of the Company, pursuant to which the Company's securities may be issued to any employee, consultant, officer or director for services provided to the Company
View Variations (3)
Approved Stock Plan. Means any employee benefit or incentive plan which has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company prior to or subsequent to the date hereof pursuant to which shares of Common Stock, options to purchase Common Stock, stock appreciation rights, restricted shares of Common Stock, restricted stock units and other stock-based awards may be issued to any employee, officer, director or consultant for services provided to the Company in their capacity as such.
Approved Stock Plan. Means any Any employee benefit or incentive plan which has been approved by the Board board of Directors directors of the Company prior to or subsequent to the date hereof pursuant to which shares of Common Stock, options to purchase Common Stock, Stock and Options, stock appreciation rights, restricted shares of Common Stock, restricted stock units units, and other stock-based stock based awards may be issued to any employee, officer, director or consultant for services provided to the Company... in their capacity as such. such View More
Approved Stock Plan. Means any Any employee benefit or incentive plan which has been approved by the Board board of Directors directors of the Company prior to or subsequent to the date hereof pursuant to which shares of Common Stock, options to purchase Common Stock, Stock and Options, stock appreciation rights, restricted shares of Common Stock, restricted stock units units, and other stock-based stock based awards may be issued to any employee, officer, director or consultant for services provided to the Company... in their capacity as such. View More
View Variations (2)
Approved Stock Plan. Any employee benefit plan or other issuance, employment agreement or option grant or similar agreement which has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, pursuant to which the Company's securities may be issued to any employee, officer or director for services provided to the Company
Approved Stock Plan. Any Means any employee benefit plan or other issuance, employment agreement or option grant or similar agreement which has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, pursuant to which the Company's securities may be issued to any employee, consultant, officer or director for services provided to the Company Company.
View Variation
Approved Stock Plan. Means any employee benefit plan which has been approved by a majority of the disinterested members of the Board of Directors of the Company, pursuant to which the Company's securities may be issued to any employee, officer or director for services provided to the Company.
Approved Stock Plan. Means any Any employee benefit plan which has been approved by a majority of the disinterested members of the Board of Directors of the Company, pursuant to which the Company's securities may be issued to any employee, officer or director for services provided to the Company. Company
View Variation
Approved Stock Plan. Means the Company's 2008 Equity Compensation Plan, 2007 Equity Compensation Plan, 2006 Incentive Stock Plan, 2002 Incentive Stock Plan, 1999 Incentive Stock Plan, as may be amended from time to time, or any employee benefit plan, stock grant, stock option or purchase plan, or stock option exchange plan or other employee stock incentive or similar agreement approved by the Board of Directors of the Company and the Holder in writing pursuant to which the Company's securities may be issued to any... officers, directors, or employees of, or consultants to, the Company for services provided thereto. View More
Approved Stock Plan. Any employee benefit, option or incentive plan (including, without limitation, any stock appreciation rights plan or phantom stock plan) which has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, pursuant to which the Company's securities may be issued to any employee, consultant, officer or director for services provided to the Company.
Approved Stock Plan. Any employee benefit plan which has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, pursuant to which the Company's securities may be issued to any employee, officer or director for services provided to the Company; provided that the issuance price, conversion price or exercise price, as the case may be, may not be less than Closing Sale Price of the Company's Common Stock on the date of any such issuance
Approved Stock Plan. Any employee benefit plan which has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, pursuant to which the Company's securities, stock appreciation rights, phantom rights or other rights with equity features may be issued to any employee, officer, director or consultant for services provided to the Company
Approved Stock Plan. Any employee benefit plan which has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Corporation, pursuant to which the Corporation's securities may be issued to any employee, consultant, officer or director for services provided to the Corporation
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