Approximate Rentable Area in the Premises

Example Definitions of "Approximate Rentable Area in the Premises"
Approximate Rentable Area in the Premises. The area contained within the demising walls of the Premises and any other area designated for the exclusive use of Tenant plus an allocation of the Tenant's pro rata share of the square footage of the "Common Areas" and the "Service Areas".
Approximate Rentable Area in the Premises. The area contained within the demising walls of the Premises and any other area designated for the exclusive use of Tenant plus an allocation of the Tenant's pro rata share of the square footage of the "Common "Third Floor Common Areas" and the "Service Areas". (as defined below).
Approximate Rentable Area in the Premises. The area contained within the demising walls of the Premises and any other area designated for the exclusive use of Tenant plus an allocation of the Tenant's pro rata share of the square footage of the "Common Areas" and the "Service Areas". Areas", (as defined below). For purposes of the Lease it is agreed and stipulated by both Landlord and Tenant that the Approximate Rentable Area in the Premises is 53,762 square feet.
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