Asset Pool

Example Definitions of "Asset Pool"
Asset Pool. All Accounts and other Assets described in a Borrowing Request or an Accepted Borrowing Request, as the context may require, together with (a) each and every Asset obtained in replacement or satisfaction of or substitution for, any such Account so purchased, (b) each and every item of property obtained by the Debtor as a result of its collection activities with respect to any such Account, (c) each and every item of collateral or security, including all security interests, liens, guarantees and... other interests securing payout of any Account, and all other rights and interests of the Debtor with respect to each Account, (d) each judgment rendered against an Obligor in respect of an Account, together with all lien rights related thereto, (e) Asset Proceeds derived from or paid or payable with respect thereto, together with any and all earnings thereon and (f) each and every other right, claim and interest associated therewith, it being understood that unless otherwise agreed by Debtor and Secured Party, it is the intent of the parties that the Asset Pools financed under the Credit Agreement will meet the criteria set forth on Schedule 1.1 of the Credit Agreement. View More
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