Assigned Patent Rights

Example Definitions of "Assigned Patent Rights"
Assigned Patent Rights. Collectively, (a) all patent applications (including provisional patent applications) listed on Schedule A, together with all divisionals, continuations and continuations-in-part that claim priority to, or common priority with, the foregoing; (b) all patents issuing therefrom (including utility models and design patents and certificates of invention), together with all reissues, renewals, extensions or additions thereof and thereto; and (c) all foreign counterparts with or to any of the... foregoing. View More
Assigned Patent Rights. Collectively, Means, collectively, (a) all patents and patent applications (including provisional patent applications) in any jurisdiction that claim or cover the Technology, including those listed on Schedule 1 to Exhibit A, together with all divisionals, continuations and continuations-in-part that claim priority to, or common priority with, the foregoing; (b) all patents issuing therefrom (including utility models and design patents and certificates of invention), together with invention);... (c) all reissues, reexaminations, inter partes reviews, renewals, restorations, extensions and supplementary protection certificates of any of the foregoing patent applications or additions thereof patents; (d) all confirmation patents, registration patents or patents of addition based on any of the foregoing patents; and thereto; and (c) (e) all foreign counterparts with or to of any of the foregoing. foregoing, or as applicable portions thereof. View More
Assigned Patent Rights. Collectively, Means, collectively, (a) all patents and patent applications (including provisional patent applications) listed on Schedule A, together with all divisionals, continuations and continuations-in-part that claim priority to, or common priority with, the foregoing; (b) all patents issuing therefrom (including utility models and design patents and certificates of invention), together with invention); (c) all reissues, reexaminations, inter partes reviews, renewals, restorations,... extensions and supplementary protection certificates of any of the foregoing patent applications or additions thereof patents; (d) all confirmation patents, registration patents or patents of addition based on any of the foregoing patents; and thereto; and (c) (e) all foreign counterparts with or to of any of the foregoing. foregoing, or as applicable portions thereof. View More
Assigned Patent Rights. Collectively, (a) all patent applications (including provisional patent applications) listed on Schedule A, in any jurisdiction that claim the Technology, together with all divisionals, continuations and continuations-in-part that claim priority to, or common priority with, the foregoing; (b) all patents issuing therefrom (including utility models and design patents and certificates of invention), together with all reissues, renewals, extensions or additions thereof and thereto; and (c) all... foreign counterparts with or to any of the foregoing. View More
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Assigned Patent Rights. The Patent Rights which are owned, licensed or otherwise controlled by SELLER and which are necessary or appropriate for the manufacture, production, distribution, marketing and/or use of the Product, including those listed in Schedule 1 to Exhibit E attached hereto, including any patent(s) issuing therefrom
Assigned Patent Rights. Shall have the meaning as set forth within the Asset Purchase and Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement.
Assigned Patent Rights. The Patents and Patent Applications as described in the Assignment (ii) any and all patent rights which arise or results from said Patents and Patent Applications; (iii) any and all grants, licenses, extensions and/or other governmental actions with respect to the Patents that provide exclusive rights to the patent holder beyond the original patent expiration date; and (iv) any and all substitutions, confirmations, registrations, revalidations, re-examinations, reissues, continuations, or... divisions of or to any of the foregoing Patents. View More
Assigned Patent Rights. Means all right, title and interest in the Patents and (a) all causes of action (whether currently pending, filed, or otherwise) and other enforcement rights under the Patents including, without limitation, all rights to sue, to countersue and to pursue damages, injunctive relief, and any other remedies of any kind for past, current and future infringement; and (b) all rights to recover and collect settlement arrangements, license payments (including lump sum payments), royalties and other... payments due now or hereafter due or payable with respect thereto, under or on account of any of the Patents or any of the foregoing; and (c) any and all privileges, including the benefit of all attorney-client privilege and attorney work product privilege. View More
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