Associated Company

Example Definitions of "Associated Company"
Associated Company. Such corporations and other entities presently or in the future existing, which are (a) members of the controlled group which includes the Company or are under common control with the Company, as such terms are defined in Section 414 of the Code, but only during such period as such corporations or entities are members of the controlled group which includes the Company or are under common control with the Company; and (b) any other entity required to be aggregated with the Company pursuant to... Section 414(m) or (o) of the Code, but only during the period the entity is required to be so aggregated. Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to the Legacy Account (formerly known as the ESOP Supplemental Account), Associated Company means any entity described above and any corporation which is a member of the same controlled group of corporations with the Company, as defined in Section 409(l)(4) of the Code. View More
Associated Company. Such With respect to the Supplemental Accounts hereunder (other than the ESOP Supplemental Accounts), such corporations and other entities presently or in the future existing, which are (a) members of the controlled group which includes the Company or are under common control with the Company, as such terms are defined in Section 414 of the Code, but only during such period as such corporations or entities are members of the controlled group which includes the Company or are under common... control with the Company; and (b) any other entity required to be aggregated with the Company pursuant to Section 414(m) or (o) of the Code, but only during the period the entity is required to be so aggregated. Notwithstanding the foregoing, with With respect to the Legacy Account (formerly known as the ESOP Supplemental Account), Accounts hereunder, Associated Company means any entity described above and any corporation which is a member of the same controlled group of corporations with the Company, as defined in Section 409(l)(4) of the Code. View More
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Associated Company. Any company which is a holding company or a subsidiary of the Company or a subsidiary of the Company's holding company and holding company and subsidiary shall have the meanings given by s.2 of the Companies Ordinance (or as amended from time to time);
Associated Company. Any Means any company which is a holding company or a subsidiary of the Company or a as subsidiary of the Company's holding company and holding company and subsidiary shall have the meanings given by s.2 of the s.736 Companies Ordinance (or Act 1985 or as amended from time to time); time.
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Associated Company. As to Purdue, any person, firm, trust, partnership, corporation, company or other entity or combination thereof, which directly or indirectly (i) controls (ii) is controlled by or (iii) is under common control with Purdue. The terms control and controlled mean ownership of 50% or more, including ownership by trusts with substantially the same beneficial interests, of the voting and equity rights of such person, firm, trust, partnership, corporation, company or other entity or combination... thereof or the power to direct the management of such person, firm, trust, partnership, corporation, company or other entity or combination thereof. View More
Associated Company. Shall be construed in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 (the "CA 2006")
Associated Company. The same meaning as in paragraph 94 of the Schedule
Associated Company. Means, with respect to any person, any other person that, directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, Controls, is Controlled by or is under common Control with such specified person from time to time, and unless otherwise specifically provided herein, shall mean an Associated Company of the Company;
Associated Company. A company which is either a subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or a subsidiary of such holding company and the expressions "holding company" and "subsidiary" shall have the meaning given in the Statutes.
Associated Company. Any company which for the time being is a subsidiary or holding company or other legal entity of the Company or any subsidiary (other than the Company) of any such holding company
Associated Company. Shall be construed in accordance with the UK Companies Act 2006.
Associated Company. Means a company or undertaking (which is not a Subsidiary or Holding Company of the Company or a Group Company) of which more than 20 per cent of the equity share capital is for the time being owned by the Company or a Group Company or which for the time being owns more than 20 per cent of the equity share capital of the Company or a Group Company;
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