Attorneys' Fees

Example Definitions of "Attorneys' Fees"
Attorneys' Fees. Any and all attorneys' fees, paralegal and law clerk fees, including, but not limited to, fees at the pre-trial, trial and appellate levels incurred or paid by Mortgagee in protecting its interest in the Mortgaged Property and Collateral and enforcing its rights hereunder
Attorneys' Fees. Any and all reasonable attorneys' fees, paralegal and law clerk fees, including, but not limited to, without limitation, fees at the pre-trial, trial and appellate levels incurred or paid by Mortgagee in protecting its interest in the Mortgaged Property and Collateral and enforcing its rights hereunder
Attorneys' Fees. Any and all attorneys' fees, paralegal and law clerk fees, including, but not limited to, fees at the pre-trial, trial and appellate levels incurred or paid by Mortgagee Lender in protecting its interest in the Mortgaged Property and Collateral and enforcing its rights hereunder
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Attorneys' Fees. Any and all attorney, paralegal and law clerk fees and disbursements, including, without limitation, fees and disbursements at the pre-trial, trial and appellate levels incurred or paid by Lender in protecting its interest in the Property and Collateral and enforcing its rights hereunder, whether with respect to retained firms, the reimbursement for the expenses of in-house staff or otherwise
Attorneys' Fees. Eminent Domain
Attorneys' Fees. Reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, including, without limitation, fees and charges for the services of paralegals or other personnel who operate for and under the supervision of attorneys and whose time is customarily charged to clients
Attorneys' Fees. Means attorneys' fees to which an Attorney or Attorneys may be entitled pursuant to federal or state statute, any other law irrespective of its nature, or by contract.
Attorneys' Fees. All reasonable fees and expenses charged or incurred by an attorney for services and the services of any paralegals, legal assistants or law clerks, including, but not limited to, reasonable fees and expenses charged for representation at the trial level and in all appeals, and the reasonable fees and expenses of experts.
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