Base Salary Rate

Example Definitions of "Base Salary Rate"
Base Salary Rate. The Eligible Employee's highest monthly base salary rate in effect at any time during the period of twelve (12) months prior to such employee's Termination Date (disregarding any reduction in the Eligible Employee's base salary rate constituting Good Reason). Base Salary Rate does not include any bonuses, commissions, fringe benefits, car allowances, other irregular payments or any other compensation except base salary.
Base Salary Rate. The Means the Eligible Employee's highest monthly base salary rate in effect at any time during the period of twelve (12) months immediately prior to such employee's Termination Date (disregarding any reduction in the Eligible Employee's base salary rate constituting Good Reason). Base Salary Rate does not include any bonuses, commissions, fringe benefits, car allowances, other irregular payments or any other compensation except base salary.
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Base Salary Rate. For purposes of this Agreement, "Base Salary Rate" means Executive's base salary rate as in effect immediately prior to the date of Executive's termination of employment (provided, if Executive resigns as a result of Section 6(g)(ii), "Base Salary Rate" shall mean Executive's base salary rate as in effect immediately prior to the reduction triggering Section 6(g)(ii)).
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