Business Contacts

Example Definitions of "Business Contacts"
Business Contacts. The names, addresses, contact information or any information pertaining to any persons, advertisers, suppliers, vendors, independent contractors, brokers, partners, employees, entities, patrons or customers (excluding Company's Trade Secrets, which are protected from disclosure in accordance with Section 8.2 above) upon whom or which Employee: contacted or attempted to contact in any manner, directly or indirectly, or which Company reasonably anticipated Employee would contact within six months... of Employee's last day of employment at Company, or with whom or which Employee worked or attempted to work during Employee's employment by Company. View More
Business Contacts. The Are defined as the names, addresses, contact information or any information pertaining to any persons, advertisers, suppliers, vendors, independent contractors, brokers, partners, employees, entities, patrons or customers (excluding Company's Company Group's Trade Secrets, which are protected from disclosure in accordance with Section 8.2 above) upon whom or which Employee: contacted or attempted to contact in any manner, directly or indirectly, or which Company Employer reasonably... anticipated Employee would contact within six months of Employee's last day of employment at Company, Employer, or with whom or which Employee worked or attempted to work during Employee's employment by Company. Employer. View More
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Business Contacts. The names, addresses, contact information or any information pertaining to any persons, advertisers, suppliers, vendors, independent contractors, brokers, partners, employees, entities, patrons or customers (excluding Employer's Trade Secrets, which are protected from disclosure in accordance with Section 3.11 below) upon whom or which a Participant: contacted or attempted to contact in any manner, directly or indirectly, or which Employer reasonably anticipated a Participant would contact... within six months of a Participant's last day of employment at Employer, or with whom or which a Participant worked or attempted to work during Participant's employment by Employer. View More
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