Capital Expenditures

Example Definitions of "Capital Expenditures"
Capital Expenditures. At any time, all acquisitions of machinery, equipment, land, leaseholds, buildings, improvements and all other expenditures considered to be for fixed assets under G.A.A.P., consistently applied. Where an asset is acquired under a capital lease, the amount required to be capitalized shall be considered a capital expenditure during the first year of the lease.
Capital Expenditures. For any period, the sum of, without duplication, all expenditures made, directly or indirectly, by Borrower or any of its subsidiaries during such period for equipment, fixed assets, real property or improvements, or for replacements or substitutions therefor or additions thereto, that have been or should be, in accordance with GAAP, reflected as additions to property, plant or equipment on a consolidated balance sheet of the Borrower.
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