Cash Account Definition Example with 6 Variations
This page contains an example definition of Cash Account, followed by definitions with minor variations. You can view the differences between the example and variations by selecting the "Show Differences" option.
Cash Account. The trust account to be established at the Custodian to which the Custodian shall deposit and hold any cash Proceeds received by it from time to time from or with respect to the Securities or the sale of the common stock of the Company, as applicable, which deposit account shall be designated the 'Point Capital Cash Proceeds Account'.
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Point Capital, Inc. contract
Cash Account. The any or all of the segregated trust account accounts to be established at the Custodian to which the Custodian shall deposit or credit and hold any cash or Proceeds received by it from time to time from or with respect to the Securities or the sale of the common stock Securities of the Company, as applicable, which deposit account trust accounts shall be designated the 'Point Capital Cash "Cash Proceeds Account'. Account", "Principal Account", and "Interest Account".
Cash Account. The the trust account to be established at the Custodian to which the Custodian shall deposit or credit and hold any cash Proceeds received by it from time to time from or with respect to the Securities or the sale of the common stock of the Company, as applicable, which deposit trust account shall be designated the 'Point Capital Terra Income Fund 6, Inc. Cash Proceeds Account'. Account.
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Terra Income Fund 6, Inc. contract
Cash Account. The the trust account to be established at the Custodian to which the Custodian shall deposit and hold any cash Proceeds received by it from time to time from or with respect to the Securities or the sale of the common stock of the Company, as applicable, which deposit account shall be designated the 'Point Capital "Business Development Corporation of America II Cash Proceeds Account'. Account."
Cash Account. The the trust account to be established at the Custodian to which the Custodian shall deposit and hold any cash Proceeds received by it from time to time from or with respect to the Securities or the sale of the common stock of the Company, as applicable, which deposit account shall be designated the 'Point Capital 'Fifth Street Finance Corp. Cash Proceeds Account'. Account'
Cash Account. The the trust account to be established at the Custodian to which the Custodian shall deposit and hold any cash Proceeds received by it from time to time from or with respect to the Securities or the sale of the common stock of the Company, as applicable, which deposit account shall be designated the 'Point Capital 'Business Development Corporation of America Cash Proceeds Account'.
Cash Account. The the segregated trust account to be established at the Custodian to which the Custodian shall deposit or credit and hold any cash or Proceeds received by it from time to time from or with respect to the Securities or the sale of the common stock Securities of the Company, as applicable, which deposit trust account shall be designated the 'Point "SuRo Capital Corp. Cash Proceeds Account'. Account"
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GSV Capital Corp. contract