Cash Equivalents

Example Definitions of "Cash Equivalents"
Cash Equivalents. (a) securities with maturities of 90 days or less from the date of acquisition issued or fully guaranteed or insured by the United States Government or any agency thereof, (b) certificates of deposit and eurodollar time deposits with maturities of 90 days or less from the date of acquisition and overnight bank deposits of Buyer or of any commercial bank having capital and surplus in excess of $500,000,000 and a rating of at least BBB- by S&P or Baa3 by Moody's, (c) repurchase obligations of... Buyer or of any commercial bank satisfying the requirements of clause (b) of this definition, having a term of not more than seven days with respect to securities issued or fully guaranteed or insured by the United States Government, (d) commercial paper of a domestic issuer rated at least A-1 or the equivalent thereof by S&P or P-1 or the equivalent thereof by Moody's and in either case maturing within 90 days after the day of acquisition, (e) securities with maturities of 90 days or less from the date of acquisition issued or fully guaranteed by any state, commonwealth or territory of the United States, by any political subdivision or taxing authority of any such state, commonwealth or territory or by any foreign government, the securities of which state, commonwealth, territory, political subdivision, taxing authority or foreign government (as the case may be) are rated at least A by S&P or A by Moody's, (f) securities with maturities of 90 days or less from the date of acquisition backed by standby letters of credit issued by Buyer or any commercial bank satisfying the requirements of clause (b) of this definition or (g) shares of money market mutual or similar funds which invest exclusively in assets satisfying the requirements of clauses (a) through (f) of this definition. View More
Cash Equivalents. The meaning ascribed to such term in the Facility
Cash Equivalents. Means any investment in time deposits, demand deposits, certificates of deposit or money market deposits maturing on or before the Conditions Precedent Date, entitled to U.S. Federal deposit insurance for the full amount thereof or issued by a bank or trust company that is organized under the laws of the United States of America or any state thereof having capital in excess of $500.0 million, so long as such investment is convertible into cash on not more than one Business Day's notice. The... Escrow Agent may purchase from or sell to itself or an Affiliate, as principal or agent, securities herein authorized. View More
Cash Equivalents. Shall mean, as of any date of determination, marketable securities issued or directly and unconditionally guaranteed as to interest and principal by the United States Government.
Cash Equivalents. Means any of the following, to the extent owned by Guarantor or any of its Subsidiaries free and clear of all Liens and having a maturity of not greater than 90 days from the date of issuance thereof: (a) readily marketable direct obligations of the government of the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof or obligations unconditionally guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the government of the United States, (b) certificates of deposit of or time deposits with Buyer or a... member of the Federal Reserve System that issues (or the parent of which issues) commercial paper rated as described in clause (c) below, is organized under the laws of the United States or any state thereof and has combined capital and surplus of at least $1,000,000,000 or (c) commercial paper in an aggregate amount of not more than $50,000,000 per issuer outstanding at any time, issued by any corporation organized under the laws of any state of the United States and rated at least "Prime-1" (or the then equivalent grade) by Moody's or "A-1" (or the then equivalent grade) by S&P. View More
Cash Equivalents. As of any date of determination, marketable securities (a) issued or directly and unconditionally guaranteed as to interest and principal by the United States Government or (b) issued by any agency of the United States the obligations of which are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States.
Cash Equivalents. Cash equivalents as determined in accordance with Accounting Standards
Cash Equivalents. Means: (i) short-term obligations of, or fully guaranteed by, the government of the United States of America or Canada, or of a State of the United States of America or of a Province of Canada, in each case having an approved credit rating, (ii) demand or current deposit accounts maintained in the ordinary course of business with a financial institution having an approved credit rating, (iii) certificates of deposit issued by and time deposits with any commercial bank or trust company (whether... domestic or foreign) having an approved credit rating; provided in each case that the same has a term not exceeding six (6) months, provides for payment of both principal and interest (and not principal alone or interest alone) and is not subject to any contingency regarding the payment of principal or interest (and for certainty, the mere passage of time is not a contingency); View More
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