Change Order

Example Definitions of "Change Order"
Change Order. A written document executed by the Parties describing a change to Services to be provided under a SOW or Products to be provided under a Purchase Order.
Change Order. Means a change order document signed by authorized representatives of both Parties, which modifies a Statement of Work or the terms of any Purchase Order pursuant to Section 8.1 and 8.2 of this Master Services Agreement. For the purposes of clarity, Change Orders excludes requests for cancellations under Section 8.3
Change Order. A written request by Solomon, a Project Consultant or the General Contractor which authorizes or requests a deletion or addition to the contractual obligations of a Project Consultant or changes, increases or reduces the scope of work, schedule, or price under one of the Contract Documents.
Change Order. An agreement signed by both parties that amends a Work Order. Each Change Order shall refer to the specific Work Order it amends, and shall be sequentially numbered with respect to multiple amendments to the same Work Order
Change Order. Shall mean a document which records or authorizes a Major Change, including identification of what needs to be changed, the reason(s) for such change, a description and drawings of the change, a list of documents and departments affected by the change, formal approval of the change, and instruction regarding the timing of implementation of the change
Change Order. A Change Proposal or Construction Change Directive agreed to in writing by Owner and Contractor. Change Orders can modify the Contract Sum and/or the Scheduled Completion Date, and each Change Order must state whether, and by how much, the Contract Sum and/or the Scheduled Completion Date will be modified as a result of the respective Change Order. Change Orders will be effective only when in a writing executed by both Contractor and Owner.
Change Order. Any change order executed by a duly authorized representative of each of Vendor and Customer in accordance with Section 2.6 (Change Orders), a form of which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A attached hereto
Change Order. Means a written order from Control4 to Supplier requesting one or more changes to the Product that Control4 desires to have made, including but not limited to changes in the drawings, designs, Specifications, method of shipment, and/or packaging of the Products.
Change Order. A formal written request to increase, decrease, or reschedule deliveries in a Purchase Order
Change Order. An amendment to a Work Order that captures a change in the scope of Services or other Study specific parameters, which may include an increase or decrease in the Direct Costs and expenses and/or any timeline adjustments required due to the change in assumptions. Each Change Order shall be agreed in writing between the Parties and expressly approved by an authorized individual on behalf of each Party.
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