Competitive Market

Example Definitions of "Competitive Market"
Competitive Market. An organized, regulated derivatives market that is subject to regulation as a designated contract market regulated by the CFTC (assuming for this purpose that such a Competitive Market were operating in the United States regardless of where it is actually operating) or under a comparable international regulatory structure that employs a central counter-party model and offers for trading products that would be Futures Contracts under this Agreement (for example, without limitation, CBOE Futures... Exchange, Eurex, InterContinentalExchange and NYSE-Euronext), (ii) an entity that offers electronic trading in futures look-alike products (i.e., highly standardized products for future settlement or delivery) through a central order book and that has obtained a recognized status or formal exemptive or no-action relief from the CFTC in order to offer such products for trading to U.S. customers or obtained comparable status or relief from a non-U.S. regulatory agency or (iii) a swap execution facility (SEF), swap designated contract markets (DCM), a Designated Clearing Organization (DCO) or other facility, trading system or platform that provides access to clearing. View More
Competitive Market. An (1) an organized, regulated derivatives market that is subject to regulation as a designated contract market regulated by the CFTC (assuming for this purpose that such a Competitive Market were operating in the United States regardless of where it is actually operating) or under a comparable international regulatory structure that employs a central counter-party model and offers for trading products that would be Futures Contracts under this Agreement (for example, without limitation, CBOE... Futures CBOT, CBOE, Eurex, Euronext-Liffe, SGX, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Eurex, InterContinentalExchange and NYSE-Euronext), (ii) Korea Exchange) or (2) an entity that offers electronic trading in futures look-alike products (i.e., highly standardized (meaning highly-standardized products for future settlement or delivery) through a central order book and that has obtained a recognized status or formal exemptive or no-action relief from the CFTC in order to offer such products for trading to U.S. customers or obtained comparable status or relief from a non-U.S. regulatory agency or (iii) a swap execution facility (SEF), swap designated contract markets (DCM), a Designated Clearing Organization (DCO) or other facility, trading system or platform that provides access to clearing. View More
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