Concentration Limit

Example Definitions of "Concentration Limit"
Concentration Limit. Means, at any time, for any Obligor and its Affiliates, considered as if they were one and the same Obligor, the percentage of Adjusted Eligible Receivables set forth in the table below opposite such Obligor's applicable short-term unsecured debt ratings assigned by Moody's and S&P (or in the absence thereof, the equivalent long term unsecured senior debt ratings), or, subject to rating agency approval and/or an increase in the Required Reserve Factor Floor, upon Seller's request from time to... time, such higher percentage of Adjusted Eligible Receivables (a "Special Concentration Limit") for such Obligor designated by Wells and the Scotiabank Group Agent or as set forth on Schedule C hereto: View More
Concentration Limit. Means, at any time, for any Obligor, three percent (3%) of the aggregate Outstanding Balance of all Receivables that are Eligible Receivables, or such other amount (a "Special Concentration Limit") for such Obligor designated by the Agent; provided, that the Rating Agencies then rating the Commercial Paper notes of the Scotia Conduit shall have confirmed that the ratings of the Commercial Paper notes of the Scotia Conduit will not be downgraded or withdrawn as a result of any designation by the... Agent of any new Obligor subject to a Special Concentration Limit or any increase by the Agent of an existing Special Concentration Limit percentage; and provided, further, that in the case of an Obligor and any Affiliate of such Obligor, the Concentration Limit shall be calculated as if such Obligor and such Affiliate are one Obligor; and provided, further, that the Agent or any Managing Agent may, upon not less than three Business Days' notice to Seller, cancel any Special Concentration Limit; and provided, further, the Special Concentration Limit for the Obligor [***] shall be automatically cancelled if, at any time, the senior unsecured long-term debt rating of [***] shall fall below BBB- (or is withdrawn), as determined by S&P, or shall fall below Baa3 (or is withdrawn), as determined by Moody's. The following Special Concentration Limits have been established by the Agent for the following Obligors: SPECIAL CONCENTRATION LIMIT (% OF THE AGGREGATE OUTSTANDING OBLIGOR BALANCE OF ELIGIBLE RECEIVABLES) - ------- -------------------------------- [***] 7% [***] 4% [***] 5% [***] 4% [***] 18% View More
Concentration Limit. With respect to each Purchased Asset, the concentration limit set forth on Schedule 1 under the heading "Concentration Limit"
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