
Example Definitions of "Confidentiality"
Confidentiality. 8. Confidentiality
Confidentiality. 8. Confidentiality 8.1 Confidentiality.
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Confidentiality. The terms of this Agreement are highly confidential. Accordingly, Executive agrees and acknowledges that neither he or she, nor their spouse or others acting on their behalf will make disclosures concerning the existence or terms of this Agreement to any person or entity, except (1) your spouse, (2) your attorneys, accountants or financial advisors, but only to the extent that disclosure is necessary to obtain professional services from such persons, or (3) a governmental agency or court of... competent jurisdiction pursuant to a legally enforceable subpoena. If disclosure is made by Executive to any person described in clauses (1) or (2) above, the Executive will inform such person of this confidentiality provision and will receive the Individual's agreement not to make any use, disclosure or announcement concerning this Agreement in violation of this confidentiality restriction. View More
Confidentiality. A Participant's requirement not to communicate or disclose to any unauthorized person, or use for the Participant's own account, without the prior written consent of the Board, any proprietary processes, or other confidential information of the Employer concerning their business or affairs, accounts or customers, it being understood, however, that the obligations of this section shall not apply to the extent that the aforesaid matters (a) are disclosed in circumstances in which the Participant... is legally required to do so and the Participant gives the Company prior written notice before doing so, or (b) become generally known to and available for use by the public other than by the Participant's wrongful act or omission. View More
Confidentiality. Agrees and acknowledges that, by reason of the nature of the Independent Director duties on the Board, the Independent Director will have or may have access to and become informed of proprietary, confidential and secret information which is a competitive asset of the Company ('Confidential Information'), including, without limitation, any lists of customers or suppliers, distributors, financial statistics, research data or any other statistics and plans or operation plans or other trade secrets... of the Company and any of the foregoing which belong to any person or company but to which the Independent Director has had access by reason of the Independent Director's relationship with the Company. The term 'Confidential Information' shall not include information which: (i) is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure by the Independent Director or the Independent Director's representatives; or (ii) is required to be disclosed by the Independent Director due to governmental regulatory or judicial process. The Independent Director agrees faithfully to keep in strict confidence, and not, either directly or indirectly, to make known, divulge, reveal, furnish, make available or use (except for use in the regular course of employment duties) any such Confidential Information. The Independent Director acknowledges that all manuals, instruction books, price lists, information and records and other information and aids relating to the Company's business, and any and all other documents containing Confidential Information furnished to the Independent Director by the Company or otherwise acquired or developed by the Director, shall at all times be the property of the Company. Upon termination of the Director's services hereunder, the Independent Director shall return to the Company any such property or documents which are in the Director's possession, custody or control, but this obligation of confidentiality shall survive such termination until and unless any such Confidential Information shall have become, through no fault of the Independent Director, generally known to the public. The obligations of the Director under this subsection are in addition to, and not in limitation or preemption of, all other obligations of confidentiality which the Independent Director may have to the Company under general legal or equitable principles. View More
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