Continuing Security Documents

Example Definitions of "Continuing Security Documents"
Continuing Security Documents. All documents securing any Obligation, including but not limited to: (i) Mortgage executed by RBA encumbering the property located in Waupaca County and more particularly described therein dated March 21, 2008 and recorded with the Register of Deeds for Waupaca County on March 28, 2008 as Document No. 751378 (the "Mortgage"), as amended by a First Amendment to Mortgage dated the date hereof executed by Borrower; (ii) Commercial Security Agreements executed by Borrower in favor of Bank dated... July 13, 2005 and October 4, 2007; (iii) Two Commercial Security Agreements executed by RBA in favor of Bank, each dated October 4, 2007 (the "RBA Security Agreements"); (iv) Guaranty of Guarantor for all obligations of Borrower in favor of Bank dated October 22, 2008 (the "Continuing Guarantor/Borrower Guaranty"); and (v) All other mortgages, real estate security agreements, security agreements, collateral pledges and other security documents executed by one or more of Borrower or Guarantor in favor of Bank and related to the Obligations, other than the Terminating Security Documents or other intangibles. View More
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