Continuous Status as a Consultant or Advisor

Example Definitions of "Continuous Status as a Consultant or Advisor"
Continuous Status as a Consultant or Advisor. The absence of any interruption, expiration, or termination of an Optionee's consulting or advisory relationship with the Company. Continuous Status as a Consultant or Advisor shall not be considered interrupted in the case of any temporary interruption in such person's availability to provide services to the Company which has been authorized in writing by a Vice President of the Company prior to its commencement; provided, however, that the Company may require suspension of vesting in such... cases. Continuous Status as a Consultant or Advisor shall not be considered terminated if such person accepts employment with the Company, and thereafter a person's Continuous Status as an Employee, and the effects of an interruption or termination thereof (including by reason of death or disability), shall be determined with reference to the Company's 1991 Stock Option Plan. View More
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