Covered Matters

Example Definitions of "Covered Matters"
Covered Matters. Means the facts, circumstances and issues relating to or arising out of any of (i) the investigation by the Special Committee of independent members of the Board, created on or about June 15, 2022 (ii) the accounting errors described in the Company's Form 10- K/A and Form 10-Q/A filed August 16, 2022, including the payments referred to as 'unrecorded expenses' and the agreements pursuant to which such payments were made, (iii) the Demand, (iv) allegations against you regarding sexual... harassment, assault or discrimination, and (v) investigations by governmental agencies concerning the investigation by the Special Committee referenced in (i) of this definition of 'Covered Matters' and/or the accounting errors referenced in (ii) of this definition of 'Covered Matters'. View More
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