Customer Information

Example Definitions of "Customer Information"
Customer Information. All information derived from whatever source about any of the CUSTOMERS or the APPLICANTS, including without limitation names, addresses, demographic information and financial information
Customer Information. All information derived from whatever source TRANSACTIONS or APPLICATIONS about any of the CUSTOMERS or the APPLICANTS, including including, without limitation limitation, names, addresses, demographic information and financial information
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Customer Information. Any personally identifiable information or records in any form (written, electronic, or otherwise) relating to a Borrower, including, but not limited to, a Borrower's name, address, telephone number, loan number, loan payment history, delinquency status, insurance carrier or payment information, tax amount or payment information; the fact that the Borrower has a relationship with Borrower; and any other Borrower financial information
Customer Information. All technical and other information from time to time supplied by Customer to WuXi AppTec, which at the time of supply by Customer is not (i) already in the public domain or (ii) already known by WuXi AppTec at the time of disclosure as established by written records.
Customer Information. Names, phone numbers, addresses, e-mail addresses, order history, order preferences, chain of command, pricing information, and other information identifying facts and circumstances specific to the customer and relevant to sales or services
Customer Information. Means all technical and other information which at the time of disclosure by Customer was not known to Lonza or in the public domain relating to the Manufacturing Process and the Product, from time to time supplied by the Customer to Lonza, including any materials supplied by Customer to Lonza in accordance with the Project Plan.
Customer Information. Any nonpublic information relating to an identified natural person including, but not limited to, Borrowers' names, social security numbers, dates of birth, addresses, number of months at address, phone numbers, financial information as to loans or accounts with RB or other loans or accounts, bankruptcy, employer names and phone numbers, number of months on job and whether a Borrower owns a home.
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