Deferred Stock Unit

Example Definitions of "Deferred Stock Unit"
Deferred Stock Unit. A phantom share unit with a value equal to one share of Common Stock (as determined by the Committee)
Deferred Stock Unit. The equivalent of one Share, as established pursuant to this Plan.
Deferred Stock Unit. The right to receive, at the end of the Deferral Period, one (1) share of Common Stock pursuant to Section 7.6.
Deferred Stock Unit. A bookkeeping entry, equivalent in value to a share of Common Stock, credited in accordance with an election made by an Eligible Director pursuant to Section 8
Deferred Stock Unit. Means an agreement to issue an unrestricted share of Common Stock at a time determined in accordance with the Grantee's election and the terms of the Director Deferred Compensation Plan.
Deferred Stock Unit. A bookkeeping unit entitling a Participant to a Share on the Realization Date (and shall include fractional units)
Deferred Stock Unit. The unit of measurement of a Recipient's interest in the Plan.
Deferred Stock Unit. A notional bookkeeping entry representing the equivalent of a share of Common Stock, which is deferred in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Plan, and represents the Company's obligation to issue one share of Common Stock in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Plan
Deferred Stock Unit. A right, granted to Eligible Directors in accordance with Section 10, to acquire a Share for no consideration or some other amount determined by the Board.
Deferred Stock Unit. A non-voting measurement unit that is deemed for valuation and bookkeeping purposes to be equivalent to an outstanding share of Common Stock. It is a contractual obligation of the Company to deliver a share of Common Stock based on the Fair Market Value of such share to an Eligible Director or the beneficiary of such Eligible Director as provided herein.
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