Demand Offering Expenses

Example Definitions of "Demand Offering Expenses"
Demand Offering Expenses. Means all expenses incident to the Company's performance of or compliance with Section 6, including all fees and expenses of compliance by the Company with securities laws, printing expenses, messenger and delivery expenses, fees and disbursements of counsel for Argon and of the independent certified public accountants of Argon (including the expenses of any annual audit, special audit and "cold comfort" letters required by or incident to such performance and compliance), the reasonable fees... and expenses of any special experts retained by Argon in connection with such registration, and fees and expenses of other Persons retained by Argon (but not including any underwriting discounts or commissions or transfer taxes, if any, attributable to the sale of Shares by holders of such Shares or any expenses incurred by the Principal Company Shareholders). View More
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