Eligible Individual

Example Definitions of "Eligible Individual"
Eligible Individual. Any of the following individuals: (a) any Director, officer or employee of the Company or a Subsidiary, (b) any individual to whom the Company or a Subsidiary has extended a formal, written offer of employment, and (c) any consultant or advisor of the Company or a Subsidiary
Eligible Individual. Any of the following individuals: individuals who is designated by the Committee as eligible to receive Options or Awards subject to the conditions set forth herein: (a) any Director, director, officer or employee of the Company or a Subsidiary, (b) any individual to whom the Company or a Subsidiary has extended a formal, written offer of employment, and or (c) any consultant or advisor of the Company or a Subsidiary
Eligible Individual. Any of the following individuals: individuals who is designated by the Committee as eligible to receive Options or Awards subject to the conditions set forth herein: (a) any Director, director, officer or employee of the Company or a Subsidiary, (b) any individual to whom the Company or a Subsidiary has extended a formal, written offer of employment, and or (c) any consultant or advisor of the Company or a Subsidiary Subsidiary.
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Eligible Individual. Any Employee, Non-Employee Director or Consultant.
Eligible Individual. Any Employee, Non-Employee Director or Consultant. Consultant
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Eligible Individual. An officer, employee, Director, or contractor of the Company or any one or more of its Subsidiaries
Eligible Individual. An officer, employee, Director, or contractor employee or Director of the Company or any one or more of its Subsidiaries
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Eligible Individual. Any director, executive or senior officer or other key employee of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries
Eligible Individual. Any officer, director or other employee of the Company or a Related Company, consultants, independent contractors or agents of the Company or a Related Company, and persons who are expected to become officers, employees, directors, consultants, independent contractors or agents of the Company or a Related Company (but effective no earlier than the date on which such Person begins to provide services to the Company or a Related Company), including, in each case, Outside Directors
Eligible Individual. Any Director of the Company who is not "interested" as defined in the 1940 Act
Eligible Individual. Each: (i) Active employee of the Company who is either (A) on the Worldwide Leadership Team or (B) specifically identified by the Board; and (ii) each Active nonemployee member of the Board. The term "Eligible Individual" excludes: (i) anyone not on the Board, not designated by the Board, or not classified by the Company as an employee on the Worldwide Leadership Team; (ii) anyone who is classified as an independent contractor or consultant; and (iii) anyone who provides services to the Company... pursuant to a contract between the Company and a third party organization. View More
Eligible Individual. Any (i) officer, employee, associate or director of the Company or a Subsidiary or Affiliate, (ii) any consultant or advisor providing services to the Company or a Subsidiary or Affiliate, or (iii) employees of (x) a corporation or other business enterprise which has been acquired by the Company or a Subsidiary, which, in the case of grants of Stock Options and Stock Appreciation Rights would, together with the Company and, if applicable, the Subsidiary, be classified as the "service recipient"... (as defined in the regulations under Section 409A of the Code) with respect to such employees and (y) who hold options with respect to the stock of such corporation which the Company has agreed to assume. View More
Eligible Individual. Any of the following individuals: (a) any Director, officer or employee of the Partnership or any Subsidiary or Parent of the Partnership, (b) any individual to whom the Partnership or any Subsidiary or Parent of the Partnership has extended a formal, written offer of employment, and (c) any consultant or advisor of the Partnership or any Subsidiary or Parent of the Partnership
Eligible Individual. Means Mr. Pittman and each of the individuals listed on Exhibit A
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