Eligible Inventory

Example Definitions of "Eligible Inventory"
Eligible Inventory. Inventory which Silicon, in its good-faith business judgment, deems eligible for borrowing, based on such considerations as Silicon may from time to time deem appropriate
Eligible Inventory. Inventory which Silicon, in its good-faith business sole judgment, deems eligible for borrowing, based on such considerations as Silicon may from time to time deem appropriate
View Variation
Eligible Inventory. Means all inventory held for ultimate sale or lease, or which has been or will be supplied under contracts of service, or which are raw materials, work in process, or materials used or consumed in the Borrower's business and that has been specifically identified and accepted by the Lender, excluding all of the following inventory: (a) Covered by documents of title, instruments, or chattel paper when these documents, instruments and paper are not owned and held by the Borrower or are subject to... competing claims, liens or encumbrances. (b) Intended to be sold outside of the ordinary course of business. (c) Consigned, sold or leased to others or on consignment or lease from others or subject to a bailment. (d) Subject to a competing claim, lien or encumbrance. (e) Paid for in advance with progress payments or any other sums to the Borrower in anticipation of the sale and delivery of inventory. (f) Obsolete or unusable in the ordinary course of business. (g) Inventory of work in progress. (h) Inventory that the Lender, in its sole discretion, disqualifies as Eligible Inventory, exercised reasonably. View More
Eligible Inventory. Means all All inventory held for ultimate sale or lease, or which has been or will be supplied under contracts of service, or which are raw materials, work in process, or materials used or consumed in the Borrower's business and that has been specifically identified and accepted by the Lender, excluding all of the following inventory: (a) Covered by documents of title, instruments, or chattel paper when these documents, instruments and paper are not owned and held by the Borrower or are subject... to competing claims, liens or encumbrances. (b) Intended to be sold outside of the ordinary course of business. 2 (c) Consigned, sold or leased to others or on consignment or lease from others or subject to a bailment. (d) Subject to a competing claim, lien or encumbrance. (e) Paid for in advance with progress payments or any other sums to the Borrower in anticipation of the sale and delivery of inventory. (f) Obsolete or unusable in the ordinary course of business. (g) Inventory of work in progress. (h) Inventory held or stored at locations not disclosed in Schedule 4.01(k) of the MLA or otherwise disclosed in writing to the Lender and approved by the Lender, in its sole discretion. (i) Inventory that the Lender, in its sole reasonable discretion, disqualifies as Eligible Inventory, exercised reasonably. Inventory. View More
View Variation
Eligible Inventory. Inventory that consists of inventory that is reasonably acceptable as determined in the sole discretion of the Bank, valued at the lower of cost or market in accordance with GAAP on a first in first out basis
Eligible Inventory. The cost of Borrower's inventory (but not including work in process).
Eligible Inventory. Inventory that is: in-transit; located at any warehouse, job site or other premises not approved by the Lender in writing; not subject to a duly perfected first priority security interest in the Lender's favor; subject to any lien or encumbrance that is subordinate to the Lender's first priority security interest; covered by any negotiable or non-negotiable warehouse receipt, bill of lading or other document of title; on consignment from any Person; on consignment to any Person or subject to... any bailment unless such consignee or bailee has executed an agreement with the Lender. View More
Eligible Inventory. All Inventory at any location other than the premises owned by the Borrower in Bemidji, MN and Fairmont, MN;
Eligible Inventory. The gross amount of the Company's keyboard finished goods Inventory and raw materials (consisting solely of plastic resin and electronic components), located at the Company's El Paso warehouse location and subject to a valid, exclusive first priority and fully perfected security interest in favor of CIT and which conforms to the warranties contained herein and which, at all times, continues to be acceptable to CIT in the exercise of its reasonable business judgment, less without duplication,... any (a) work in process, (b) supplies (other than raw material consisting of plastic resin or electronic components), (c) Inventory not present in the United States, (d) Inventory returned or rejected by the Company's customers (other than goods that are undamaged and resaleable in the normal course of business) and goods to be returned to the Company's suppliers, (e) Inventory in transit to third parties (other than the Company's agents or warehouses), or in the possession of a warehouseman, bailee, third party processor, or other third party, unless such warehouseman, bailee or third party has executed a waiver agreement (in form and substance acceptable to CIT) and CIT shall have a first priority perfected security interest in such Inventory, and (f) less any reserves required by CIT in its reasonable discretion, including without limitation for special order goods, customer specific Inventory, discontinued, slow-moving and obsolete Inventory, market value declines, bill and holds (deferred shipment), consignment sales, shrinkage and any applicable customs, freight duties and Taxes View More
Eligible Inventory. The definition of "Eligible Inventory" in Section 1.34 of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended by deleting clause (f)(iii)(A) thereof in its entirety and substituting the following therefor: "(A) as to locations which are leased by any Borrower, if Lender shall have received a Collateral Access Agreement from the owner and lessor of such location, duly authorized, executed and delivered by such owner and lessor or, if Lender shall not have received such Collateral Access Agreement (or Lender... shall determine to accept a Collateral Access Agreement that does not include all required provisions or provisions in the form otherwise required by Lender), Lender may, at its option, nevertheless consider Inventory at such location to be Eligible Inventory to the extent Lender shall have established such Reserves in respect of amounts at any time payable by such Borrower to the owner and lessor thereof as Lender shall determine in good faith." View More
Eligible Inventory. All of Borrower's Inventory that is either a finished good or raw material and continues to be acceptable to Bank in all respects. Criteria for eligibility may be revised by Bank at any time. Without limitation, Eligible Inventory excludes all of the following Inventory: all Inventory that Borrower does not own or that is subject to a competing claim, lien or encumbrance; and Inventory which Bank in Bank's sole discretion disqualifies as Eligible Inventory. The "gross value" of Eligible... Inventory is the lesser of such Eligible Inventory's cost as determined using generally accepted accounting principles or the fair market value as determined by Bank in its sole discretion. View More
Eligible Inventory. Seed corn inventory owned by the Company :(i) for which the Company has either made payment or been invoiced by Hubner and title has been passed to the Company and is classified as the Company's inventory under GAAP, (ii) that is held in a warehouse in Illinois or Indiana approved in advance by the Bank, or at Hubner's plant located in West Lebanon, Indiana (each of the foregoing called a "Warehouse"), (iii) which is segregated at each such Warehouse from other non-Fielder's Choice Direct seed... corn inventory that is clearly marked in bags or other containers with the words "Fielder's Choice Direct" or another name clearly identifying the Company's seed corn supported by the books and records of the Company as being owned by the Company, (iv) as to which all creditors of the owner or lessee of the Warehouse where such inventory is located have entered into an Ownership Acknowledgment Agreement or similar agreement, appropriate lien waivers have been executed, and appropriate UCC financing statements disclaiming any interest in such seed corn inventory have been filed, complete copies of which have been provided to the Bank, and (v) as to which the Bank has filed the appropriate UCC financing statements giving notice of the Bank's security interest in the Company's seed corn inventory located at such Warehouse and perfecting the Bank's lien thereon. View More
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