Employment Agreement

Example Definitions of "Employment Agreement"
Employment Agreement. Shall mean the Executive's employment agreement with the Parent, as it may be amended from time to time.
Employment Agreement. With respect to a Participant, an operative employment agreement that was entered into by and between the Company and Participant.
Employment Agreement. That certain Employment Agreement, effective as of September 7, 2007, between the Company and Optionee, as amended by that certain amendment to the Employment Agreement, dated as of March 16, 2010
Employment Agreement. Shall have the same meaning herein unless otherwise defined herein or unless the context clearly requires otherwise
Employment Agreement. The Employment Agreement between Company and Executive dated January 1, 2001, as subsequently modified by the actions of the Company's Compensation Committee for annual increases in Executive's base salary.
Employment Agreement. That certain Employment Agreement entered into by and between the Company and the Executive, dated June 15, 2004
Employment Agreement. The Employment Agreement by Executive and the Company dated as of June 11, 2008, as amended or restated from time to time
Employment Agreement. Has the meaning set forth in the Background section of this Agreement.
Employment Agreement. Means as described above.
Employment Agreement. The employment agreement by and between the Company and the Executive, effective as of April 1, 2002, including any subsequent amendments.
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