
Example Definitions of "Encumbrance"
Encumbrance. Any charge, claim, community or other marital property interest, condition, equitable interest, lien, option, pledge, security interest, mortgage, right of way, easement, encroachment, servitude, right of first option, right of first refusal or similar restriction, including any restriction on use, voting (in the case of any security or equity interest), transfer, receipt of income or exercise of any other attribute of ownership
Encumbrance. Any lien, claim, security interest, defense, right of set-off, option, transfer restriction or other encumbrance of any kind
Encumbrance. Any pledge, lien, charge, security interest, lease, license, title retention, mortgage, restriction, easement, right-of-way, title defect, option, right of first offer or refusal, purchase right, adverse claim or encumbrance of any kind
Encumbrance. Any interest relating to or arising out any lien, license; covenant not to sue, option, pledge, security interest, mortgage, right of first offer or first refusal, buy/sell agreement and any other restriction or covenant with respect to, or condition governing the use, construction, transfer, receipt of income or exercise of any other attribute of legal or equitable ownership.
Encumbrance. Any lien, pledge, hypothecation, charge, mortgage, security interest, encumbrance, trust, equitable interest, claim, liability (including by reason of successor liability or any other legal doctrine), preference, right of possession, lease, tenancy, license, encroachment, option, right of first refusal, preemptive right, or restriction on possession, use, transfer, or any other attribute of ownership
Encumbrance. A security interest, lien, charge, claim, community or other marital property interest, pledge, alienation, mortgage, option, hypothecation, encumbrance or similar collateral assignment by any other means, whether for value or no value and whether voluntary or involuntary (including by operation of law or by judgment, levy, attachment, garnishment, bankruptcy or other legal or equitable proceedings) or any other restriction on use, voting (including any proxy), transfer (including any right of... first refusal or similar right), receipt of income or exercise of any other attribute of ownership View More
Encumbrance. Any mortgage, commitment, transfer restriction, deed of trust, pledge, option, power of sale, retention of title, right of pre-emption, right of first refusal, executorial attachment, hypothecation, security interest, encumbrance, claim, lien or charge of any kind, or an agreement, arrangement or obligation to create any of the foregoing
Encumbrance. Shall mean and include any and all security interests, mortgages, liens, pledges, charges, easements, reservations, license rights, restrictions, equities, rights of way, options, rights of first refusal, spousal rights, clouds on title and all other encumbrances, whether or not relating to the extension of credit or the borrowing of money
Encumbrance. With respect to any Person, any mortgage, debenture, pledge, hypothec, lien, charge, claim, deed of trust, royalty, assignment by way of security, hypothecation, security interest, conditional sales agreement, lease or title retention agreement, financing statement or other registration or recording in any public registry system affecting any of such Person's property or assets or any other encumbrance, granted or permitted by such Person or arising by operation of law, in respect of any of... such Person's property or assets, or any other security agreement, trust or arrangement having the effect of security for the payment of any debt, liability or other obligation, and Encumbrances and Encumbered have corresponding meanings View More
Encumbrance. Any lien (including mechanics, warehousemen, laborers and landlords liens), charge, claim, hypothecation, pledge, security interest, mortgage, preemptive right, right of first refusal, option, judgment, title defect right of first refusal, easement or conditional sale or other title retention agreement or other restriction or encumbrance of any kind
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