engaging in conduct disloyal to AT&T

Example Definitions of "engaging in conduct disloyal to AT&T"
engaging in conduct disloyal to AT&T. While employed by an Employer Business or within two (2) years after the Participant's termination of employment, (i) soliciting for employment or hire, whether as an employee or as an independent contractor, for any business in competition with an Employer Business, any person employed by an Employer Business during the one (1) year prior to Participant's termination of employment, whether or not acceptance of such position would constitute a breach of such person's contractual obligations to... any Employer Business; (ii) soliciting, encouraging, or inducing any vendor or supplier with which Participant had business contact on behalf of any Employer Business during the two (2) years prior to Participant's termination of employment, to terminate, discontinue, renegotiate, reduce, or otherwise cease or modify its relationship with AT&T or its affiliate; or (iii) soliciting, encouraging, or inducing any customer or active prospective customer with whom Participant had business contact, whether in person or by other media ( View More
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