Ethyl Entity Liabilities

Example Definitions of "Ethyl Entity Liabilities"
Ethyl Entity Liabilities. All Liabilities, whether arising before, at or after the Internal Reorganization Date, (i) of or in any way relating, in whole or in part, to any Ethyl Entity or (ii) arising from the conduct of, in connection with or in any way relating to, in whole or in part, the businesses and operations of the Ethyl Entities or the ownership or use of assets or property in connection therewith, including without limitation, the sale or distribution of TEL, the Houston, Texas Plant, the Baton Rouge,... Louisiana Plant or the Sarnia, Canada Plant. Notwithstanding the foregoing, "Ethyl Entity Liabilities" shall exclude all Liabilities directly, indirectly or derivatively based on, arising out of or in any way relating to, in whole or in part, the businesses and operations of the Afton Entities or the ownership or use of assets or property in connection therewith, whether arising before, at or after the Internal Reorganization Date View More
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