Excluded Property

Example Definitions of "Excluded Property"
Excluded Property. Any permit, license, lease or contractual agreement entered into by Borrower (A) that prohibits or requires the consent of any Person other than Borrower and its Affiliates (as such terms are defined in the Loan Agreement) as a condition to the creation by Borrower of a Lien (as defined in the Loan Agreement) on any right, title or interest in such permit, license, lease or contractual agreement, or (B) to the extent that any law applicable thereto prohibits the creation of a Lien thereon, but... only, with respect to the prohibition in (A) and (B), to the extent such prohibition is not terminated or rendered unenforceable or otherwise deemed ineffective by (collectively, the "General Restriction Exclusions") the UCC or any other applicable law or principles of equity View More
Excluded Property. All intellectual property of Borrower (including, without limitation, the Borrower's Intellectual Property Rights)
Excluded Property. The meaning set forth in the Indenture.
Excluded Property. Shall mean any (i) general intangible, lease, license, contract or agreement to which a Grantor is a party, and any of its rights or interests thereunder, only and solely to the extent that a security interest therein is prohibited by or in violation of (x) any applicable law, or (y) a term, provision or condition of any such general intangible, lease, license, contract or agreement (unless in each case, such applicable law, term, provision or condition would be rendered ineffective with... respect to the creation of such security interest pursuant to Sections 9-406, 9-407, 9-408 or 9-409 of the UCC (or any successor provision or provisions) of any relevant jurisdiction or any other applicable law or principles of equity), (ii) fixed or capital assets (including equipment) owned by a Grantor that is subject to a purchase money lien or a capital lease obligation, if (but only to the extent that and only for so long as such purchase money indebtedness or capital lease restricts the granting of a lien therein to Secured Party) the grant of a security interest therein would constitute a violation of a valid and enforceable restriction in the related purchase money or capital lease documentation (unless any required consents shall have been obtained), and (iii) monies, checks, securities or other items on deposit or otherwise held in deposit accounts or trust accounts specifically and exclusively used for payroll, payroll taxes, deferred compensation and other employee wage and benefit payments to or for the direct benefit of a Grantor’s employees; provided, however, that the foregoing shall cease to be treated as “Excluded Property” (and shall constitute Collateral) immediately at such time as the contractual or legal prohibition shall no longer be applicable and to the extent severable, such security interest shall attach immediately to any portion of such general intangible, lease, license, contract or agreement not subject to the prohibitions specified in (x) or (y) above, provided, that Excluded Property shall not include any Proceeds (to the extent such Proceeds are not Excluded Property) of any such general intangible, lease, license, contract, property, equipment or agreement or any goodwill of a Grantor’s business associated therewith or attributable thereto View More
Excluded Property. Collectively, (i) Excluded Equity, (ii) any permit, lease, license, contract, Instrument or other agreement held by any Grantor that prohibits or requires the consent of any Person other than Holdings, Parent Borrower or their respective Affiliates as a condition to the creation by such Grantor of a Lien thereon, or any permit, lease, license, contract or other agreement held by any Grantor to the extent that any laws applicable thereto prohibits the creation of a Lien thereon, but only, in... each case, to the extent, and for so long as, such prohibition is not terminated or rendered unenforceable or otherwise deemed ineffective by the Code (including, without limitation, pursuant to Sections 9-406, 9-407, 9-408 and 9-409 of the Code) or any other laws (including, without limitation, the Bankruptcy Code), (iii) any property that would be otherwise be included in the Collateral if and to the extent such property is subject to a Lien permitted by clause (iii) of Section 3.2(a) of the Credit Agreement, in each case to the extent applicable documents related to such Lien prohibit the creation of any other Liens on such property, (iv) assets sold to a Person that is not a Credit Party in compliance with the Credit Agreement, (v) any letter of credit to the extent any Grantor is required by applicable law to apply the Proceeds of a drawing of such letter of credit for a specified purpose and (vi) any "intent-to-use" applications for trademark or service mark registrations filed pursuant to Section 1(b) of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1051, unless and until an Amendment to Allege Use or a Statement of Use under Sections 1(c) and 1(d) of said Act has been filed, to the extent that any assignment of an "intent-to-use" application prior to such filing would violate then Lanham Act; provided, however, "Excluded Property" shall not include any Proceeds, substitutions or replacements of Excluded Property (unless such Proceeds, substitutions or replacements would constitute Excluded Property) View More
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