Excluded Service Traffic

Example Definitions of "Excluded Service Traffic"
Excluded Service Traffic. (i) the traffic in Mbps for [*] for any Service, as defined under the Limelight Content Delivery Service Agreement (the "[*] Traffic") plus the traffic for [*] Interactive News, LLC for any Service, as defined under the Limelight Content Delivery Service Agreement (the "[*] Traffic") up to a maximum of [*] Mbps, and (ii) the traffic for any acquisition by Microsoft of an existing Limelight customer up to a maximum of the average traffic over the last six (6) months prior to such acquisition for... those specific services such customer was using immediately prior to such acquisition, provided that Limelight promptly notifies Microsoft in writing that such acquisition was an existing Limelight customer. For example, if in a given month the [*] Traffic equals [*] Mbps for small object/file caching and the [*] Traffic equals [*] Mbps for small object/file caching, then the amount of Excluded Service Traffic equals [*] Mbps-months of Excluded Traffic for that month. For further example, if, in a given month the [*] Traffic equals [*] Mbps for small object/file caching and the [*] Traffic equals [*] for small object/file caching, then the amount of Excluded Service Confidential [*] Confidential Treatment Requested Page 16 Traffic equals the Actual [*] Traffic of [*] the Actual [*] Traffic of [*] Mbps-months of Excluded Traffic for that month. For clarity as to how to calculate Mbps-months for Services under this Agreement, if Limelight bills Microsoft for [*] Mbps for Services (in all cases, excluding Excluded Service Traffic) in [*], then that month will represent [*] Mbps-months of performance against the Traffic Commitment; if Limelight then bills Microsoft for [*] Mbps for Services in [*] then that month will represent [*] Mbps-months of performance against the Traffic Commitment and [*] will represent [*] of performance against the [*]; and if Limelight then bills Microsoft [*] Mbps for Services in [*], then that month will represent [*] Mbps-months of performance against the Traffic Commitment and the [*] will represent [*] Mbps-months in total performance against the Traffic Commitment. View More
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