Existing Technology

Example Definitions of "Existing Technology"
Existing Technology. And the "Future Technology" are referred to collectively as the "Licensed Technology" and include without limitation all intellectual property such as patents, trademarks, service marks, trade names, copyrights, know-how, trade secrets, licenses, information and proprietary rights and processes owned by or licensed to Licensor relating in any way to a neuro-related lead, neuro-related lead extension, neuro-related lead-type device, or the "Lead", "Lead Requirements", or "Lead Milestones"... defined in the Development Agreement, including without limitation the intellectual property licensed to the Licensor under the License Agreement by and between the Licensor and the Johns Hopkins University ("JHU") on or around June 30, 1998 and all other appendices, addenda, amendments, and agreements related thereto (the "JHU Agreement"). View More
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