
Example Definitions of "Exit"
Exit. One of the following events taking place after the Execution Date: (i) an initial public offering (IPO), whether directly or through holding or other ownership structures, of all or part of the Company's Shares, or of all or part of the shares of a company Controlling the Company; (ii) transfer of Control of the Company, or of Control of a company Controlling the Company, whether directly or through holding or other ownership structures, to any person or legal entity (including transfer of a... noncontrolling interest whereby any person or legal entity obtains Control of the Company or of a company Controlling the Company); (iii) a transfer to a Third Party, whether by sale, the grant of a license or by any other means, of all or a material part of the Company's other assets if such transaction implies that the Company ceases to operate as an active company with substantial on-going research and/or business activities; (iv) solvent liquidation or winding up of the Company, (v) a merger or demerger in which the Company or a company Controlling the Company is the discontinuing entity, or (vi) any combination of the above, which can reasonably be considered equal to an Exit, including two or more of the events mentioned above which, considered alone, cannot reasonably be considered as an Exit but which, considered together, can reasonably be considered as a coherent series of events constituting an Exit. View More
Exit. One of the following events taking place after the Execution Date: Shall mean (i) an initial public offering (IPO), whether directly or through holding or other ownership structures, (IPO) of all or part of the Company's Shares, shares, or of all or part of the shares of a company Controlling the Company; (ii) transfer of Control of the Company, or of Control of a company Controlling the Company, whether directly or through holding or other ownership structures, to any person or legal entity... (including transfer of a noncontrolling non-controlling interest whereby any person or legal entity obtains Control of the Company or of a company Controlling the Company); (iii) a transfer sale of all or a material part of the Intellectual Property Rights which have been assigned or otherwise transferred to the Company pursuant to a Third Party, whether by sale, the grant of Specific Assignment Agreement, including any licensing thereof to a license person or by any other means, legal entity; (iv) a sale of all or a material part of the Company's other assets assets, including any transfer or licensing of all or a material part of the Company's other intellectual property rights to a person or legal entity, if such transaction implies that the Company ceases to operate as an active company with substantial on-going research and/or business activities; (iv) solvent (v) liquidation or winding up of the Company, (v) (vi) a merger or demerger de-merger in which the Company or a company Controlling the Company is the discontinuing entity, or (vi) (vii) any combination of the above, which can reasonably be considered equal to an Exit, including two or more of the events mentioned above which, considered alone, cannot reasonably be considered as an Exit but which, considered together, can reasonably be considered as a coherent series of events constituting an Exit. Exit; View More
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