Exterior Common Areas

Example Definitions of "Exterior Common Areas"
Exterior Common Areas. Those portions of the Property which are not located within the Building and which are provided and maintained for the common use and benefit of Landlord and tenants of the Building generally and the employees, invitees and licensees of Landlord and such tenants; including, without limitation, all parking areas, enclosed or otherwise, and all streets, sidewalks and landscaped areas.
Exterior Common Areas. Those portions areas of the Property Project which are not located within the Building and which are provided and maintained for the common use and benefit of Landlord and tenants Tenants of the Building generally and the employees, invitees and licensees of Landlord and such tenants; including, Tenants; including without limitation, limitation all parking areas, enclosed or otherwise, and all streets, sidewalks and landscaped areas. areas located within the Project
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