Facility Agreement

Example Definitions of "Facility Agreement"
Facility Agreement. Means that Facility Agreement, dated as of March 15, 2011, between Design Fund II, DSS, Deerfield Special Situations Fund International, Limited, Deerfield Private Design Fund International II, L.P. and Titan, as amended, supplemented and replaced from time to time.
Facility Agreement. Means that That Facility Agreement, dated as of March 15, 2011, the date hereof, between Private Design Fund II, DSS, Deerfield Special Situations Fund International, Limited, Deerfield Private Design Fund International II, L.P. and Titan, iCAD, as amended, supplemented and replaced from time to time. time
Facility Agreement. Means that Facility Agreement, dated as of March 15, 2011, the date hereof, between Design Fund II, DSS, Deerfield Special Situations Fund International, Limited, Deerfield Private Design Fund International II, L.P. and Titan, as amended, supplemented and replaced from time to time.
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Facility Agreement. Means the Original Facility Agreement, as amended by the Second Amendment and as may otherwise be amended, restated or modified and in effect from time to time.
Facility Agreement. Means the Original Facility Agreement, as amended by the Second First Amendment and as may otherwise be amended, restated or modified and in effect from time to time.
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