Fair Market Value of USSC Compensation Units

Example Definitions of "Fair Market Value of USSC Compensation Units"
Fair Market Value of USSC Compensation Units. An amount equal to the book value of USSC's Compensation Units as determined by Employer's independent certified accounting firm under generally accepted accounting principles in a manner consistent with its regular bookkeeping practices as of the end of the calendar month preceding the date of the valuation or, in the event either Employer or Employee disputes that the book value represents fair market value then the fair market value shall be set by appraisal. Employer and Employee shall each... obtain and pay for an appraisal of USSC's stock. If the higher of the two appraised values is within ten percent (10%) of the lower of the two values, then the fair market value shall be equal to the average of the two appraised values. If the higher of the two appraised values is not within ten percent(10%) of the lower of the two values, then a third appraiser shall be obtained by mutual agreement of Employer and Employee with the cost being shared equally between them. The agreement of at least two of the three appraisers shall be the fair market value. If at least two of the appraisers can not agree on the appraised value, then the three appraised values shall be added together and divided by three with the result to be the fair market value View More
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