Financed Receivables

Example Definitions of "Financed Receivables"
Financed Receivables. All those accounts, receivables, chattel paper, instruments, contract rights, documents, general intangibles, letters of credit, drafts, bankers acceptances, and rights to payment, and all proceeds, including their proceeds (collectively "receivables"), which Bank finances and makes an Advance. A Financed Receivable stops being a Financed Receivable (but remains Collateral) when the Advance made for the Financed Receivable has been finally paid.
Financed Receivables. All receivables against which advances are made to Debtor under the Note
Financed Receivables. Are all those EXIM Eligible Foreign Accounts, including their proceeds which Bank finances and makes an Advance, as set forth in Section 2.1.1. A Financed Receivable stops being a Financed Receivable (but remains Collateral) when the Advance made for the Financed Receivable has been fully paid
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