
Example Definitions of "Floor"
Floor. A rate of interest per annum equal to 50 basis points (0.50%) or, if the preceding blanks are not completed, then zero.
Floor. A rate of interest per annum equal to 50 fifty basis points (0.50%) or, if the preceding blanks are not completed, then zero.
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Floor. Means a rate of interest equal to 0%, unless any applicable Existing Loan Document provides for a higher minimum percentage for the US dollar LIBOR rate that will apply to a LIBOR Credit Extension, in which case the Floor shall be such higher minimum percentage.
Floor. Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00)
Floor. A per annum rate of interest equal to 0%
Floor. A rate of interest equal to .75%, provided, that if the Borrower shall enter into an interest rate swap agreement with the Lender or another counterparty reasonably acceptable to the Lender with respect to at least seventy-five per cent (75%) of the outstanding principal balance of the Loan, from and after the effective date of such swap, the Floor shall be reduced from .75% to zero with respect to the Loan so long as such interest rate swap agreement shall remain in effect with respect to at... least seventy-five per cent (75%) of the outstanding principal balance of the Term Loan View More
Floor. A rate of interest per annum equal to ______ basis points ( %) or, if the preceding blanks are not completed, then zero.
Floor. A rate of interest per annum equal to 75 basis points (0.75%)
Floor. Means a rate of interest per annum equal to zero percent (0.00%)
Floor. A rate of interest per annum equal to zero.
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