For Cause

Example Definitions of "For Cause"
For Cause. In the context of a basis for termination of your employment with the Company, that: 9.1.1 you breach any obligation, duty or agreement under this Agreement, which breach is not cured or corrected within 15 days of written notice thereof from the Company; or 9.1.2 you commit any act of personal dishonesty, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty or trust; or 9.1.3 you are convicted of, or plead guilty or nolo contendere with respect to, theft, fraud, a crime involving moral turpitude, or a felony under... federal or applicable state law; or 9.1.4 you commit any act of personal conduct that, in the reasonable opinion of the Board, gives rise to a material risk of liability under federal or applicable state law for discrimination or sexual or other forms of harassment or other similar liabilities to subordinate employees; or 9.1.5 you commit continued and repeated substantive violations of specific written directions of the Board, which directions are consistent with this Agreement and your position as Executive Chairman, or continued and repeated substantive failure to perform duties assigned by or pursuant to this Agreement; provided that no discharge shall be deemed For Cause under this subsection 9.1.5 unless you first receive written notice from the Company advising you of the specific acts or omissions alleged to constitute violations of written directions or a material failure to perform your duties, and such violations or material failure continue after you shall have had a reasonable opportunity to correct the acts or omissions so complained of; or 9.1.6 you engage in conduct that is demonstrably and materially injurious to the Company Group (as defined below), or that materially harms the reputation or financial position of the Company Group (as defined below), unless the conduct in question was undertaken in good faith on an informed basis with due care and with a rational business purpose and based upon the honest belief that such conduct was in the best interest of the Company Group (as defined below); or 9.1.7 you are found liable in any Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or other civil or criminal securities law action or entering any cease and desist order with respect to such action (regardless of whether or not you admit or deny liability) where the conduct that is the subject of such action is demonstrably and materially injurious to the Company Group (as defined below); or 9.1.8 you (i) obstruct or impede, (ii) endeavor to influence, obstruct or impede, or (iii) fail to materially cooperate with, any investigation authorized by the Board or any governmental or self-regulatory entity (an Investigation) (however, your failure to waive attorney-client privilege relating to communications with your own attorney in connection with an Investigation shall not constitute Cause); or 9.1.9 you made any material misrepresentations (or omissions) in connection with your resume and other documents which may have been provided by you, and oral statements regarding your employment history, education and experience, in determining to enter into the Agreement. View More
For Cause. In the context of a basis for termination of Employee's employment with the Company, that: (a) Employee breaches any material obligation, duty or agreement under this Agreement, which breach is not cured or corrected within 15 days of written notice thereof from the Company (except for breaches of Sections 1.3 and/or 6, which cannot be cured and for which the Company need not give any opportunity to cure); (b) Employee is grossly negligent in the performance of services to the Company, or... commits any act of personal dishonesty, fraud, undisclosed conflict of interest, breach of fiduciary duty or trust that, in the reasonable judgment of the Board renders Employee unsuitable for his position; or (c) Employee is indicted for, convicted of, or pleads guilty or nolo contendere with respect to, theft, fraud, a crime involving moral turpitude, or a felony under federal or applicable state law; or (d) Employee commits any act of personal conduct that, in the reasonable opinion of the Board, gives rise to a material risk of liability under federal or applicable state law for discrimination or sexual or other forms of harassment or other similar liabilities to subordinate employees; or (e) Employee commits continued or repeated substantive violations of specific written directions of the Board, which directions are consistent with this Agreement and Employee's position as an employee or continued or repeated substantive failure to perform duties assigned by or pursuant to this Agreement; provided that no discharge shall be deemed for Cause under this subsection (e) unless Employee first receives written notice from the Company advising him of the specific acts or omissions alleged to constitute violations of written directions or a material failure to perform his duties, and such violations or material failure continue after he shall have had a reasonable opportunity to correct the acts or omissions so complained of; or (f) Employee is found liable in any SEC or other civil or criminal securities law action or entering any cease and desist order with respect to such action (regardless of whether or not Employee admits or denies liability); or (g) Employee breaches his fiduciary duties to the Company or engages in intentional misconduct with respect to working for the Company and such breach(es) or misconduct may reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the Company; or (h) Employee (a) obstructs or impedes, (b) endeavors to influence, obstruct or impede, or (iii) fails to materially cooperate with, any investigation authorized by the Board or any governmental or self-regulatory entity (an "Investigation"); or (c) removes, conceals, destroys, purposely withholds, alters or by any other means falsifies any material that is requested in connection with an Investigation, provided that Employee's failure to waive attorney-client privilege relating to communications with Employee's attorney in connection with an Investigation shall not constitute "Cause." View More
For Cause. Any termination of an Optionee's employment with the Company due to (i) conviction of a felony; (ii) Optionee's refusal, after at least 30 days advance written notice from the Board of Directors, to carry out a direct order of the Board of Directors (other than an order to relocate Optionee more than 25 miles from his place of employment); or (iii) a finding by the Board of Directors that Optionee has defrauded the Company or any affiliate of the Company
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