Highest Long-Term Incentive Compensation

Example Definitions of "Highest Long-Term Incentive Compensation"
Highest Long-Term Incentive Compensation. Means the greater of the Executive's Potential Long-Term Award for the Executive's Incentive Group pursuant to the Corporation's Long-Term Incentive Compensation Plan for (1) the multi-year cycle in which the Change Year occurs or (2) the multi-year cycle immediately prior to the multi-year cycle in which the Change Year occurs; provided, however, that if the Change of Control occurs on a date that falls within two multi-year cycles, the Highest Long-Term Incentive Compensation shall mean the... greater of the Executive's Potential Long-Term Award for either of such multi-year cycles. If the Executive first became a participant in the Corporation's Long-Term Incentive Compensation Plan during the Change Year or the year immediately preceding the Change Year, the Executive shall be deemed to have been a participant in the Corporation's Long-Term Incentive Compensation Plan and in the same Incentive Group for (1) the multi-year cycle in which the Change Year occurs and the multi-year cycle immediately prior to the multi-year cycle in which the Change Year occurs or, (2) if the Change of Control occurs on a date that falls within two multi-year cycles, for both such multi-year cycles. View More
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