Indebtedness Definition Example with 4 Variations

This page contains an example definition of Indebtedness, followed by definitions with minor variations. You can view the differences between the example and variations by selecting the "Show Differences" option.
Indebtedness. Any and all debts, liabilities, and obligations of Borrower to Lender, now or hereafter existing, whether voluntary or involuntary and however arising, whether direct or indirect or acquired by Lender by assignment, succession, or otherwise, whether due or not due, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, determined or undetermined, held or to be held by Lender for its own account or as agent for another or others, whether Borrower may be liable individually or jointly with others,... whether recovery upon such debts, liabilities, and obligations may be or hereafter become barred by any statute of limitations, and whether such debts, liabilities, and obligations may be or hereafter become otherwise unenforceable. Indebtedness includes, without limitation, any and all obligations of Borrower to Lender for reasonable attorneys' fees and all other costs and expenses incurred by Lender in the collection or enforcement of any debts, liabilities, and obligations of Borrower to Lender View More


Indebtedness. Any Indebtedness means any and all debts, liabilities, and obligations of Borrower Borrowers (and each of them) to Lender, now or hereafter existing, whether voluntary or involuntary and however arising, arising (including, without limitation, all principal, interest, fees, and expenses due under the Business Financing Agreement, and all other indebtedness evidenced by the Business Financing Agreement), whether direct or indirect or acquired by Lender by assignment, succession, or otherwise,... whether due or not due, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, determined or undetermined, held or to be held by Lender for its own account or as agent for another or others, whether Borrower Borrowers (or either of them) may be liable individually or jointly with others, whether recovery upon such debts, liabilities, and obligations may be or hereafter become barred by any statute of limitations, and whether such debts, liabilities, and obligations may be or hereafter become otherwise unenforceable. Indebtedness includes, without limitation, any and all obligations of Borrower Borrowers (and each of them) to Lender for reasonable attorneys' fees and all other costs and expenses incurred by Lender in the collection or enforcement of any debts, liabilities, and obligations of Borrower Borrowers (and each of them) to Lender Lender. View More
Indebtedness. Any any and all debts, liabilities, and obligations of Borrower to Lender, Bank, now or hereafter existing, whether voluntary or involuntary and however arising, whether direct or indirect or acquired by Lender Bank by assignment, succession, or otherwise, whether due or not due, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, determined or undetermined, held or to be held by Lender Bank for its own account or as agent for another or others, whether Borrower may be liable individually or... jointly with others, whether recovery upon such debts, liabilities, and obligations may be or hereafter become barred by any statute of limitations, and whether such debts, liabilities, and obligations may be or hereafter become otherwise unenforceable. Indebtedness includes, without limitation, any and all obligations of Borrower to Lender Bank for reasonable attorneys' fees and all other out of pocket costs and expenses incurred by Lender Bank in the collection or enforcement of any debts, liabilities, and obligations of Borrower to Lender Bank. Indebtedness also includes, without limitation, all obligations of Borrower arising under any interest rate, credit, commodity or equity swap, cap, floor, collar, forward foreign exchange transaction, currency swap, cross currency rate swap, currency option, securities puts, calls, collars, options or forwards or any combination of, or option with respect to, these or similar transactions now or hereafter entered into between Borrower and Bank View More
Indebtedness. Any with respect to that certain Ex-Im Bank-Guaranteed Transaction Specific Revolving Line of Credit and related agreements, documents and instruments entered into between Bank and Borrower as of even date herewith, as now in effect and as amended, renewed or restated in the future, any and all debts, liabilities, and obligations of Borrower to Lender, Bank, now or hereafter existing, whether voluntary or involuntary and however arising, whether direct or indirect or acquired by Lender Bank by... assignment, succession, or otherwise, whether due or not due, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, determined or undetermined, held or to be held by Lender Bank for its own account or as agent for another or others, whether Borrower may be liable individually or jointly with others, whether recovery upon such debts, liabilities, and obligations may be or hereafter become barred by any statute of limitations, and whether such debts, liabilities, and obligations may be or hereafter become otherwise unenforceable. Indebtedness includes, without limitation, any and all Swap Obligations and any and all obligations of Borrower to Lender Bank for reasonable attorneys' fees and all other costs and expenses incurred by Lender Bank in the collection or enforcement of any debts, liabilities, and obligations of Borrower to Lender Bank. View More
Indebtedness. Any shall mean, with respect to that certain Domestic Revolving Line of Credit and related agreements, documents and instruments entered into between Bank and Borrower as of even date herewith, as now in effect and as amended, renewed or restated in the future, any and all debts, liabilities, and obligations of Borrower to Lender, Bank, now or hereafter existing, whether voluntary or involuntary and however arising, whether direct or indirect or acquired by Lender Bank by assignment,... succession, or otherwise, whether due or not due, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, determined or undetermined, held or to be held by Lender Bank for its own account or as agent for another or others, whether Borrower may be liable individually or jointly with others, whether recovery upon such debts, liabilities, and obligations may be or hereafter become barred by any statute of limitations, and whether such debts, liabilities, and obligations may be or hereafter become otherwise unenforceable. Indebtedness includes, without limitation, any and all Swap Obligations and any and all obligations of Borrower to Lender Bank for reasonable attorneys' fees and all other costs and expenses incurred by Lender Bank in the collection or enforcement of any debts, liabilities, and obligations of Borrower to Lender Bank. View More
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